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Development TeamDevelopersThese are the people who actively develop Cucumber Linux and contribute to the project regularly. Scott CourtCreator, Designer, Lead Developer, Maintainer and BDFL of Cucumber Linux Homepage: /~scott | Website: Z5T1.com | Email: scott@cucumberlinux.com | Reddit: /u/Z5T1 Scott does all of the remaining work that no one else wants to do. Maarten HenrickxCucumber Zealot, Toolchain Updater and Tester Maarten updates and tests the toolchain (GCC, binutils and glibc) and other essential packages for new versions of Cucumber Linux. Zach JorgensenSecurity Analyst Email: zachary.c.jorgensen@gmail.com Zach helps out with security updates, security maintenance, and other various development tasks. ContributorsThese are people who have made some significant contribution to Cucumber Linux at some point, but do not regularly participate in the distribution's development. These people often provide ocasional patchs or have helped solve some specific problem. Andrew SoutarEmail: cucumber@andrewsoutar.com Andrew assisted in designing the security infrastructure and a few other components. He also worked out the Pickle backronym. |
Thanks to the friendly folks at sourceforge.net for hosting the Cucumber Linux project!